Facing Homicide, Murder, & Manslaughter Charges in New York?

Are you being prosecuted for homicide, murder, or manslaughter charges in New York? Learn more about penalties, strategies, and why your defense must begin now.

Seeking Immediate Counsel from a State Defense Lawyer is Imperative

The earlier you receive expert counsel, the more likely your matter will end favorably. If you’re facing prosecution, contact us immediately.

Homicide, Murder, or Manslaughter Charges in New York

A homicide charge is one of the most serious offenses an individual in New York can be charged with. Whether the government alleges that the homicide was carried out with intent or recklessness, or with a firearm or vehicle, this statute calls for the highest penalty of 25 years to life imprisonment upon a conviction.

Being charged with a homicide requires an immediate defense, and one that must include a strong counter-investigation by way of private investigators, issuing subpoenas, and even having independent autopsies conducted. At the Law Offices of Jason Goldman, we can help you to get proper guidance and support against murder homicide charges.

Article 125 of the New York Penal Law sets out various forms of murder and homicide, ranging from negligent homicide, vehicular homicide, murder in the second degree (intentional), and manslaughter. Each subsection within this statute allows state prosecutors to fit an individual's suspected conduct neatly within the required elements, which can account for the defendant’s state of mind or weapon use.

Sentencing & Penalties in New York

Simply stated, murder charges carry some of the highest penalties in the New York penal system. The most classic murder charges carry 25 years to life as a maximum sentence. Even a minimum sentence on a top count murder conviction will carry 15 years. There are, of course, a variety of ways in which these numbers can increase if aggravating factors are at play or other convictions are run consecutive to a murder sentence.

How We Fight Homicide, Murder, and Manslaughter Crime Charges in New York

Whether you are charged with an intentional murder or a vehicular manslaughter, a strong defense must be mounted immediately. These cases require the utmost care and attention, and a diligent defense will sift through the mounds of government evidence to pinpoint specific defenses, whether that be self-defense, justification, or mistaken identity. Indeed, these matters are typically staffed with top prosecutors and detectives, therefore, your defense must be resourceful, focused, and relentless. Hiring an incompetent defense attorney against these charges will only lead to a swift conviction and decades of prison.

Ultimately, an experienced defense attorney will look to present alternative theories at trial and, in some circumstances, may motion to the Court for “lesser-included” charges to be provided to the jury. Indeed, some cases and circumstances may lend themselves to obtaining a not guilty on a top count murder even if the jury finds against the defendant on a lesser count. These tactics, when appropriate, can lead to a much lower sentence than the initial exposure had called for. 

Your Defense Begins Now

If you are accused of any form of homicide, murder, or manslaughter, it is imperative that you hire a former prosecutor and prominent criminal defense attorney who has dealt with these offenses on both sides of the courtroom. The steps your defense attorney takes, by way of investigation and creative advocacy, will increase your chances of successfully walking away from these serious accusations and shape the rest of your life.

The sooner you put your case in the hands of an experienced homicide lawyer, the more opportunity you will have to work toward a favorable outcome. Contact The Law Offices of Jason Goldman today.

the law offices of jason goldman

Your Defense Begins Now

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