Facing Bribery and Extortion Charges in New York?

Are you being prosecuted for bribery or extortion in New York? Learn more about penalties, strategies, and why your defense must begin now.

Seeking Immediate Counsel from a Federal Defense Lawyer is Imperative

The earlier you receive expert counsel, the more likely your matter will end favorably. If you’re facing prosecution, contact us immediately.

Bribery Charges in New York

Whether on the state or federal level, bribery charges are extremely serious and carry long prison sentences if convicted. Bribery takes place in many different forms, including but not limited to: commercial bribery, sports and gambling bribery, bribe giving and receiving for public office, kickbacks, and unlawful gratuities.

These charges are complex, and can turn on intent, knowledge, and whether there existed some form of quid-pro-quo. Typically, prosecutors will seek to prove that you unlawfully gave or received a bribe in exchange for some other benefit or favor.

Bribery charges on a New York State level are codified pursuant to New York Penal Law 200.00 (third degree), PL 200.03 (second degree), and PL 200.04 (first degree). 

Extortion Charges in New York

When facing a separate extortion prosecution, it is imperative that you hire a meticulous attorney to craft and execute your defense. Extortion generally contains accusations that you wrongfully obtained money or other property from an individual by means of violence, harm to their reputation, or threat of injury.

Extortion is taken seriously by federal prosecutors, and is typically coupled with related charges such as assault, racketeering, bribery, and kidnapping.

Extortion, governed by New York Penal Law §155.05(2)(e), occurs when a person compels or threatens another to deliver money or property under the threat of physical violence, property damage, or public humiliation. The severity of an extortion charge varies based on the means that a defendant uses to force someone into giving up their property. The basic offense is a class E felony. However, if the alleged extortion uses the threat of violence or property damage, the charges upgrade to a Class C felony.

Sentencing & Penalties in New York

Whether you are charged with bribery or extortion, the consequences can be grave from both a personal and professional standpoint. A conviction on these charges will carry significant prison time, especially where other substantive crimes may be at play. If actual violence is proved, a federal sentence will likely see steep enhancements. Therefore, finding creative and fruitful ways to fight back within this realm will go a long way towards limiting your exposure should a guilty plea or verdict result.

How We Fight Bribery and Extortion Charges in New York

Having a trusted, seasoned defense attorney will go a long way in defending against such accusations. Certainly, the strength of the government’s case can be weakened to the point of dismissal should your attorney conduct a thorough counter-investigation by issuing subpoenas, conducting independent financial audits, and interviewing favorable witnesses. Forensic accountants, tax experts, and other public employees can all factor into your successful defense.

Your Defense Begins Now

If you are being prosecuted for bribery or extortion, hire a former prosecutor and seasoned federal defense attorney who can and will find creative solutions to counter these complex charges. Being charged with these crimes is only one small piece of the puzzle. What your defense attorney does afterwards will both increase your chances of successfully walking away from these accusations and shape the rest of your life.

The sooner you put your case in the hands of an experienced criminal defense lawyer, the more likely your matter will end favorably. We at The Law Offices of Jason Goldman Law can help.

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Your Defense Begins Now

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